Transplant Friendly Greeting Cards

Transplant Friendly Greeting Cards
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It is difficult to locate just the right greeting card to celebrate transplants. Living donors and
our special supporters make such a difference in our lives. Transplants aren’t really
“Get Well” occasions. Instead they are about inspiration, wonder and a medical marvel.
I’m happy to present a group of cards that simply state our awe and admiration for those involved with transplantation. Send your living donor one of these as a birthday or
transplant anniversary card. Give a card to a friend or co-worker who just donated a kidney to someone. Don’t forget a Thank You to your transplant surgeon or others on your medical team.
These cards also help the environment. Beautiful illustrations include inspiring quotations in cards that are “green manufactured.” And—best of all—The card company sends
a portion of each purchase to organizations that protect the environment.
Cards measure 4-1/2” wide x 5-3/8” high. Sold individually.
Printed with soy ink on Forest Steward Council certified 100% recycled stock.
Each card has a different environmental tip on the back. Envelopes are plain white.
Attention, Transplant Centers:
Quantity discounts on greeting cards are available by special order to transplant centers in the US. Giving a card to each of your organ donors is a small gesture of gratitude that will remain in the memory of their experience with you.
Cards for transplant centers need to be ordered in multiples of 6 each.
Email for more information.
Greeting Card Shipping Info:
-If bought alone, the shipping charge for 1-4 standard cards is $1.00. 1-4 cards ship free with other merchandise.
”Just the Right Words” Cardboard cards ship by
weight, so it depends on quantity.