Kidney Shaped Earrings
Myra Schwartz, Illinois, USA
Jewelry Designer and Kidney recipient

Kidney Shaped Earrings
Myra Schwartz, Illinois, USA
Jewelry Designer and Kidney recipient
More kidney earrings on Page 8
Click 2x (and scroll up if necessary) to enlarge most images.
Be sure to view all the jewelry pages, as many items have matching pieces.
Need ear wires converted to non pierced? Prefer sterling or gold filled wires? Just ask!
One or several small items can ship together by Priority for $6.75.
Scroll down for payment instructions or email for an invoice.
For easy checkout, email your order and ask for a Paypal invoice.
Email Myra for questions or orders
Paypal is the easiest and fastest way to pay and receive your order but checks and money orders are accepted.
See more Earrings, including NON pierced, on the vintage kidney Jewelry page, #8
Here’s how to order...
Email me at
1.Ask for a Paypal invoice for a credit card payment. Paypal account is NOT required to pay invoices, but if you have an account, be sure your account address on Paypal is current.
2.Please include: item numbers, descriptions or pasted image
3.Include shipping zipcode or global postal code
4.Do you need postal insurance? (US only)
5.I ship USPS Priority unless you specify First Class (slower)
*Illinois, USA residents must pay 10% sales tax.
Shipping jewelry items within US is $3 for First Class
or $7.75 for Priority.
Other items ship by weight, so postage varies.
International postage varies, please inquire.
Other questions? Call Myra @ 847-251-6220
(Call 9am-9pm, CST in Illinois, USA)